About The Next Room

The-Next-Room is not so much about a performing ensemble, more an enticement into a voyage of imagination shaped by light, shade, shadow, words, movement, music.

As improvisers we play with process and as audience you are very much part of that process, and your account of what happened in The-Next-Room will be made of the traces left in your mind during your imaginitive travels - your personal memoire created with assistance from our 18 strong ensemble of improvising artists, as they pour a rich mix of genre influences and expertise into evolving sensory experience, environments and mind-states.

Whatever inhabits, or happens in The-Next-Room, there are no passengers on this voyage: everyone is 'crew' on our quest to far flung corners of your mind where, in the shared terrain emerging through the interplay of light, narration, movement and sound, you're free to plunder your own stories, meanings and scenarios.
Our focus is on enabling a radical, immersive, audience-empowering performance ritual. Enter and you'll have the chance to become part of what happens in... The-Next-Room...

The-Next-Room "Colorama Project"


                   Waiting for the 4.24.

                     Elephant Story
